Galactic Hinterlands

Watching a bunch of the remastered Star Trek original series episodes and a couple of the movies really got me missing the early days of the franchise, with it's earnest optimism for humans and our institutions, and strong sense of curiosity and wonder in the face of the unknown.  Which, of course, made me long to capture the experience somehow in RPG form.

Far Trek and Where No Man Has Gone Before would seem to be good starting points for someone with avowedly "old school" role-playing inclinations such as myself. But for some reason I found myself gravitating to John Harper's Lasers & Feelings, maybe because I thought something simpler might be easier to rope my kids into playing.

But Lasers & Feelings has a bit of a tongue-in-cheek feel to me, and leans slightly more story-game than I would hope. Also it lacks a certain amount of focus on the flavor-details I love from the old shows. Fortunately though Harper released Lasers & Feelings through a Creative Commons license which has already spawned a wonderful series of fan hacks, mods and homebrew games.  So one more offshoot of the family would seem right at home.

The result of my efforts, Galactic Hinterlands, adds a bit more setting detail to L&F's bare bones, along with a mechanical price for certain kinds of failures and a few other system tweaks. Adventures take place in an emerging Commonwealth of Worlds, a setting maybe a few mirror-universes down the street from any federations you might be acquainted with. By default technology, styles and customs reflect the early-middle years of exploration and diplomacy.

Galactic Hinterlands v1.0 - pdf / docx  (12/26/2017)
