I've been thinking a bit about the idea of counterspells over the years, probably since reading a brief example of it in Weis and Hickman's Deathgate Cycle years back. And none of the iterations I've seen of it quite sit right. In my mind: There should be some chance of failure. This is something done on the fly, so it doesn't always work. It should have some price. You can't just try it against every spell thrown against you. It should not be just one spell or power that everyone needs to take (taking up a slot). It should be a bit more reflective of the breadth of a magician's understanding. But I hadn't really thought through all the specifics of what that would entail until reading The Robgoblin's post on Beyond Vancian Magic . I still am not fully onboard with his thoughts for this particular talent. But reading it lead me to more thoroughly consider the details of how to write this up for the Ancient Red Wyrm advanced edition. Other notes: The te...