The Crone: An Alternative to the Hag

Originally in response to the question: In D&D is there a creature that is the good or neutral equivalent to a hag? I don’t know of any such creatures canonically in 5th edition which are good or neutral versions of the hag. Swanmays The closest equivalent I can think of from previous editions are Swanmay. The Swanmay are a secretive sisterhood of shapechangers (swan specific) with ranger-like abilities. I knew of them originally from the AD&D 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual , but they also show up as a playable race in the Complete Book of Humanoids . Swanmays are not exactly the same concept as hags, but kind of have a magic women of the wilderness type thing going on. I strongly suspect that Gygax (or some other creative person working in the D&D sphere) got the idea for Swanmays for them from Poul Anderson's novel Three Hearts and Three Lions , where one of the primary characters is a Swanmay.