Reading through the first couple chapters of the Monte Cook's Cypher System, and it is pretty neat. The only thing that seems a bit odd to me is the requirement to multiply a Difficulty rating (1-10) to a Target Number rating (Difficulty x3) which is actually rolled against. This seems especially odd in the case of expending effort, where you spend several points to lower the difficulty, which in turn lowers the Target Number, which you then roll against. Also while reading, the three pool system brought to mind Michael Wolf's wonderful WYRM System . This in turn led to wondering: Why not just roll a d6 for Cypher and cut out the x3 Difficulty conversion? Looking into this, there's little trouble so far in switching from d20 to a d6 system. Maybe as I read Cypher further there'll be a later section where the need to multiply by x3 will be better justified. But in the meantime, the conversion seems pretty straightforward: Basic roll Th...