The Hives at the Fields' Furthest Margin

Logan (the DM) had posed question: @LogantheDM Bees would have to be a fey based fantasy race, right? Like say I am making bee people for #DnD and was trying to explain why they are more people than just giant bees? Fey, right? In my mind "fey" connotes things "liminal" in some way, an in between state. Like both familiar and strange. Or at the edge of cultivated lands (not deep woods or in town). Is it real or a dream? You thought this person was dead, but (through magical thinking) they seem alive-ish. So the thing is to find some way that bees fit this vibe. The Fey Bees On a drowsy summer day, if you go to check furthest hives at 5 minutes to noon, the skeps seem larger somehow, though they measure the regular size if one has the tools to check. If you tarry for more than a few seconds, the soothing buzz makes you fuzzy in the head and the cloying sweet smell is overpowering. And you find you can go inside the hive, even though it should be too small for you. ...