Owl Light: The Fey - Prodigal, Reformed and Iron Eld

In the Owl Light setting the "Elf" body type seems to have been some sort of standard template used by the gods and powers in ancient times to create lithe, skilled beings.  Elves from other worlds in many cases appear to have arisen over the course of aeons as part of natural evolution in those places, sometimes as precursors to humans or co-sentients on their worlds.

But the crop of Elves (the Eld) currently predominant on Hypethra mostly originate from the Netherworld.  In this realm the dreams and thoughts of all sentient creatures accumulate, peopling the realm with every imaginable permutation of archetype and narrative, and sweeping the landscape with gradual but ceaseless changes as the whims of psychic currents dictate.

Prodigal Eld

The Prodigal Eld are those creatures fresh sprung from this tumult, still given over to the Netherworld's bizarre currents.  Free will is a novel concept to most Prodigal Eld, but their convictions are backed by the strength of worlds. Most from the mortal realm find Prodigal Eld some combination of mercurial, capricious, naïve, detached, or irrationally passionate about their cause.

The style and culture of Prodigal Eld often makes a cursory nod to that of the nearby mortal cultures, but always with some extravagance, ornateness, exaggeration or exotic flair.

Reformed Eld

Reformed Eld have chosen the mental freedom of the mortal world over the power of their ancestral realms.  They are something closer to mortal, though still unaging.  Things of the Netherworld still recognize the Reformed as kin, and for all regular purposes they are treated as Fey beings.

Reformed Eld occasionally have their own communities, but often blend with local cultures with little beyond physical qualities to set them apart.

Iron Eld

The Iron Eld are those who have pitted their wills most ardently against this temptations of their Fey heritage.  They are staunch philosophical proponents of free will and independent thought and powerful opponents of all forms of enchantment and mind control. The stereotype of Reformed Eld paints them as having a martinet work ethic and nigh puritanical belief in reason and natural order.

There is some degree of mixing with local mortal cultures, and indeed mortals are generally welcome at the meetings of Iron Eld.  However, the emphasis they place on their values can seem a bit extreme and unnecessary for many mortals, so their enclaves often stand slightly apart.  While not mandatory, a greatcoat and tricorn hat have become common attire for Iron Eld.
