Skill Option: Languages & Cants
This is a supplement meant to refine and flesh out the idea of languages in an RPG a bit and expand the concept of cants (as inspired by D&D's Thieves' Cant). Most of this has been wrapped into the still nascent KROP game (a homebrew based on GLOG), but it should be relatively easy to adapt to other similar types of fantasy games.
Supplement here.
You can find more related info here:
- Earlier Stuff - This supplement is an expansion of some of the ideas discussed in earlier posts:
- Thieves' Cant
- Other things of interest - None of these were directly adopted into this work, though they were things partly in mind at the time:
- Back Slang & Rhyming Slang
- 1337 - Hacker obfuscation jargon.
- Hobo Signs
- Polari - Cant used by a number of professions historically and notably mentioned in recent years due to it's use in covert communication among the British gay subculture prior to the 1960s.
- NĂ¼shu (Women's Script) - Writing form historically used in Hunan China exclusively by women.
- Language Isolates - Languages not closely related to any others remaining in existence.
- Nautical Terminology
- Military Hand Signals
- Secret Handshakes and other Shibboleths
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